Eagle Rare 10yr Bourbon 750 ml
Eagle Rare Bourbon Whiskey 10 Year is a distinguished spirit crafted at the renowned Buffalo Trace Distillery. Aged for a full decade, this bourbon embodies a rich and complex profile, making it a favorite among bourbon aficionados. With intricate flavors of toffee, honey, and toasted oak, complemented by notes of leather and candied almonds, Eagle Rare offers a smooth and balanced taste with a long, satisfying finish. Each bottle is carefully selected to ensure the highest quality, making it perfect for sipping neat or enjoying in classic bourbon cocktails. Whether for personal enjoyment or as a thoughtful gift, Eagle Rare Bourbon 10 Year stands as a testament to fine American whiskey craftsmanship.
Product Specifications
- Brand: Eagle Rare
- Type: Bourbon Whiskey
- Bottle Size: 750ml
- Country: USA
- Region: Kentucky
- Alcohol Content: 45% (90 Proof)
- Aging: 10 Years
- Tasting Notes: Toffee, Honey, Oak, Leather, Candied Almonds
- Serving: Neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: BW023